
Showing posts from December, 2021

Generative Grammar "Lectura"

 Generative Grammar We read the first 10 pages of the the text called "Generative grammar". After finishing reading our 10 pages, we had to realized an graphic organizer. I will leave y'all the link where you can find the text:  3.Chapter1Introduction ( Also I will leave you my graphic organizer that I realized. Hoping that it helps you and you can understant better the tophic.

Generative Grammar

 Generative Grammar It is a theory of grammar, first developed by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s, that is based on the idea that all humans have an innate language ability. To get a bit more of informacion, you can visit the following page:  Definición y ejemplos de gramática generativa (  It will shloud you a bit more about the topic. For the activity we realized an graphic organizer: this way will have the main ideas and definitions.